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Pyramid Art - I Love Myself Pyramid Power

Pyramid Art - I Love Myself Pyramid Power

Regular price $ 129.99 USD
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This "Pyramid Art - I Love Myself Pyramid Power Canvas" is an exploration of the power of self-love when it is energised and alchemised by the power of pyramids.

Pyramid power refers to the belief that the ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape can confer a variety of benefits. Among these assumed properties are the ability to preserve foods, sharpen or maintain the sharpness of razor blades, improve health, function "as a thought-form incubator", trigger sexual urges, and cause other effects.

Taken together these are are often referred to as Pyramidology.

In this canvas I am exploring that idea by placing the idea of 'I LOVE MYSELF' on the top and around four pyramids to see if we can massively boost our own innate power.

If you look then you can see certain strategically placed panes of colored glass on top of some glass pyramids to spell out the words.

If you see the one at the back has an 'I' in purple, then the two pyramids in front spell out the word 'LOVE' in pink, and then there is an 'M' on the one on the back, with an all seeing eye and four, floating heart balloons next to it, spelling out SELF (Get it? M-eye-self... Myself!)

You can see that the four pyramids are all power boosted, with flames leaping out from under them, helping to power them (and your creative energy and vitality) ever upwards and into the clear blue sky.

If you believe in the power of pyramids then this is a great canvas to have on your wall, constantly exposing the universe to the idea that you are an amazing person who loves themselves and who wants your energy and lifeforce to be powered up even more. 


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